探索这个介绍当地户外宝石的列表, 迷人的自然奇观, 在阿尔图纳及周边地区出售. Something for everyone, there are options for beginner, intermediate, and seasoned adventurers.
Jacks Mountain is home to the famous "Thousand Steps" which are part of the National Heritage Trail. 海拔2321英尺的杰克山是一座相当大的山,尤其是对宾夕法尼亚州来说. 也, 当你考虑到基地到山顶的海拔增益是1,715英尺, 你会明白你还有很长的路要走. 杰克山位于美国中部山区, 也被称为阿巴拉契亚山脉的主要山脉. This area in 宾西法尼亚 is quite rugged and the mountains are a lot steeper and higher than many people realize when they think of PA. 位于刘易斯敦和亨廷顿之间, PA, 这座山从陡峭的山坡上向四面八方都能看到壮丽的景色. 尤尼恩山(Mount Union)和米尔克里克(Mill Creek)这两个曾经的采矿小镇位于山脚下. 也, the Juniata River cuts this mountain in two and creates one of the more rugged and spectacular areas in the state, 被称为杰克·纳罗斯. You almost get a western feel standing at the trailhead as the two mountains rise nearly 2,在你上方000英尺的地方.
它在一条安静的乡间小路上骑行. 山地车是一条蜿蜒的、树木繁茂的单车道. Taking in endless views 开头ss long ridges and deep valleys after a great day of 徒步旅行. 在宾夕法尼亚州最大的内陆湖划皮艇. 在一条经典的泉水溪流中钓着难以捉摸的鳟鱼. 从你的观鸟生活列表中捕捉到另一个物种的罕见一瞥. 这是宾夕法尼亚州伟大的户外探险. 它就等着在阿勒格尼被发现、探索和享受.
贝尔斯峡铁路步道实际上是两条步道合二为一.南部一英里处有光滑的碎石灰岩表面, 还有一个更粗糙的, more difficult northern section best-suited for 山地自行车 enthusiasts or hikers seeking a challenge. 允许在小径边的草地上骑马. 南方2.这条小径有1英里是由刚碾碎的石灰石表面组成的. 有几张带顶棚的长凳,可以在上面休息和欣赏风景. 在前2个之后.1英里, 这条小径突然变成了一条由泥土组成的未经改进的游戏土地小径, 压舱物, 和草. The trail ends at Route 865 in Lloydsville; there is no trailhead or parking here.
蓝钮四季度假村 is the highest skiable mountain with the most challenging slopes in 宾西法尼亚, 为滑雪者和单板滑雪者提供最长、最甜蜜的骑行体验. 除了我们的下坡滑雪,我们提供雪管和修剪北欧滑雪. 在PA最好的滑雪来看我们在蓝色旋钮. Blue Knob还提供高尔夫球服务, 山地自行车, 打猎和钓鱼, 徒步旅行, 秋天的落叶活动.
超过45年了, 营伍德沃德 has been the leader in lifestyle and action sports progression offering something very special - a fun, 学习环境加上终极夏令营体验. 不可能有一个露营者来到伍德沃德,说:“我去年夏天做了什么?“还有创新的设施, 世界级的教练和终极夏令营体验, Woodward is a world-class destination for both aspiring youth and professional athletes. 伍德沃德是一个露营者可以从12个项目中选择的社区:滑板, BMX, 滑雪, freeskiing, 体操, 欢呼, 权力暴跌, 开头, 跑酷, 山地自行车, 踏板车, digital media and are all given the tools necessary to reach new heights in an atmosphere that fosters creativity and passion. There is no other camp in the world like Woodward that is a family community that mixes the structured sport of 体操 with the creative freedom of action sports and matches those elements with the progression of world-class creative arts.
美丽的, 占地958英亩的独木舟溪州立公园以155英亩的湖泊为特色, 湿地, 古老的田野和成熟的森林, 为候鸟和其他野生动物提供了重要的栖息地. 这个湖全年都是钓鱼的好去处. 徒步旅行者喜欢蜿蜒穿过许多栖息地的小径. 野餐, 在海滩游泳, 享受教育节目, 在现代化的小木屋里过夜也是很受欢迎的活动.
尽管名字怪异,但“鬼城之路”一点也不可怕. 这条小径是以埃本斯堡服务过的众多城镇命名的 & 布莱克克铁路,还有坎布里亚铁路 & 印第安纳州的铁路. 它蜿蜒穿过风景秀丽的布莱克里克河流域, 从埃本斯堡到格拉夫顿, passing historical artifacts and offering opportunities to see a variety of wildlife. 这条小径最初建于1991年,是指定的国家休闲小径.
If you hit the trail early enough, you're likely to encounter deer 和更多的 than a few chipmunks. Once the sun gets high, watch out for the occasional snake sunning itself on the warm pathway. A few interpretive signs along sections of the trail provide information about the mining towns, 还有一些历史特征. 在沿途的许多地方都可以找到矿渣和旧铁路. 就在温顿代尔西边, 你来找伊丽莎·弗恩, on the National Register of Historic Places and one of 宾西法尼亚's best preserved iron blast furnaces.
在塞勒公园(Saylor Park)以东,这条小径经过一个废弃的铁路车厢回收场. They make for a pleasant surprise, as the rusted hulks seem to bloom among the trees. In 2009 two beautiful bridges were installed to cross the Blacklick Creek west of Dilltown, 沿途最受欢迎的步道起点之一
有些部分穿过狩猎区,在狩猎季节穿橙色. Bring your camera along to capture the natural beauty and historical features that you'll encounter during your visit. At the west end of the trail in Saylor Park, follow signs to connect to the Hoodlebug Trail.
被称为莫香农的老铁路线, 或米尔斯分行, 这是该地区19世纪末20世纪初经济的基础吗. The history of coal mining in the area is noticeable from the trail as it passes remnants of the industry. Interpretive signage along the trail commemorates significant historical structures and events. 1994年从Conrail公司购买, the corridor was converted to a multi-use path to preserve the land as a public asset. 小径两旁是多种植物和其他落叶灌木的树篱. The entire length of the 霍茨代尔步道 is open for use with nearly 8 miles of improved surface from the Muddy Run Bridge west of State Route 2005 at Smoke Run to State Route 2007 just west of Osceola Mills. 这条小径已被分级、压实,并标有里程碑. The extreme east and west ends of the trail remain in rough condition but are useable by hikers, 山地自行车和越野滑雪. 最好的接入点在霍茨代尔的步道中心.
带上你的自行车或步行鞋, 或者给你的马套上马鞍, 然后前往17英里的低步道,享受清凉的微风和斑驳的树荫. “Lower”这个名字和“flower”押韵,指的是T律师. 院长低, who provided the funds ($1) for the local rails-to-小径 group to purchase the corridor in 1990 and create the trail. The trail follows the Juniata River like a streamer in the breeze—at times crossing it, sometimes stretching out as if a gust of wind caught it for a few moments but never straying far. 风景使它令人愉快. 本地胡桃树, 橡树和秃柏树, 等, 在大多数情况下创造一个深的阴影, 短时间内穿插着农田.
This three level concrete skate plaza is oriented toward street skating but includes a variety of quarter pipes, 碗和其他可以用于滑板的过渡, 轮滑和自由式自行车. 新詹姆斯·R. 桃碗区和蛇跑, 哪一家在2012年秋季开业, 是威斯特摩兰县最大的滑板公园的独特附加物. 部分由威斯特摩兰街公园联盟设计, the plaza reflects the dreams of local youth where they can have a safe place to skate and bike, 远离公共街道和建筑物. 桃子 Plaza was funded in part by the James 桃子 family and named in memory of his wife, Joyce H. 桃子.
- 全程乘船游览我们的全水石灰岩洞穴
- 在农场、大自然和野生动物园的野外之旅中骑行
- 浏览我们的大型礼品店, 位于游客中心, 的宝石, 岩石标本, 舒适的服装, 书, 和更多的
- Enjoy a bison or longhorn burger in the Cave Cafe, or picnic in our beautiful pastoral setting
- Reserve a ride traveling from the cave rock to the mountaintop on the Cave Rock Mountain Tour
- 在勘探者皮特的矿工迷宫中“迷路”
在王子加利辛州立公园, 阿勒格尼高原的森林山丘孕育着绵延不绝的格伦代尔湖. 远景提供风景秀丽的景色1,635英亩的湖泊,26英里的海岸线, 哪个是垂钓者和划船者的最爱. 露营者涌向大型露营地,享受徒步旅行和其他户外活动. 公园里各种各样的栖息地使它成为许多野生动物的家园, 在春天和秋天的迁徙中有一个休息站.
雷斯敦湖是29,000英亩的项目,有12个公共通道, an 8,000英亩的湖泊, 野餐区, 海滩, 船发射, 露营地, 小径, 狩猎, 钓鱼, marina concession stands and is operated and maintained by the Army Corps of Engineers.
七泉山度假村是早上滑雪的理想场所, 在运动粘土或享受刺激的雪管在下午, enjoy a luxurious spa treatment in the evening before a great dinner and then do it all again the next day after a relaxing overnight stay. 除了出色的滑雪和单板滑雪, Seven Springs has additional Winter Activities for a day of fun with your family and friends! 享受我们的户外冬季活动,如雪管, 雪橇之旅, 骑马或打几局保龄球, 在室内游泳或滑旱冰.
肖尼州立公园 is 3,983 acres of 宾西法尼亚’s scenic Ridge and Valley Province. 在历史小镇贝德福德以西十英里,沿着30号公路, 肖尼拥有融入自然环境的现代化娱乐设施. 公园的一个焦点是占地451英亩的肖尼湖.
沿着1834-1854年运营的穿越山脉铁路的走廊, 这条小径分为两段,相距约15英里. 南部,碎石段,约2.3英里长, 蜿蜒穿过茂密的森林,来到整修过的斯台普勒弯道铁路隧道, 据报道,它是美国最古老的. 1.4-mile northern segment, a packed dirt 和草 path, includes an original inclined plane rail bed. This trail passes historic structures including Engine House 6 and the Lemon House (once a home and a tavern for the railroad). 两条步道都保留了一些原来用来固定铁轨的石头.